How dose VR ,AR work ?(Explain in 3 minuts)

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What is AR and VR:

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they are actually quite different. AR is the overlay of digital information on top of the real world, while VR is the complete immersion of the user in a digital world.

How does VR AR work?

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are both terms used to describe a digital environment that is created to replace or supplement the user's real-world environment. VR headsets use a screen to display a completely virtual environment, while AR headsets use a screen to display a virtual environment that is superimposed on top of the user's real-world environment.

VR headsets can be used to create immersive experiences, such as watching a movie or playing a video game. AR headsets can be used to create enhanced experiences, such as viewing a map or a video call with a friend.

  How VR works:

Virtual Reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and displayed on a computer or smartphone screen. When you put on a VR headset, you are completely immersed in the virtual world. You can look around and interact with the objects in the virtual world as if you were really there.

 How AR works:

The way that augmented reality technology works is by using a device, such as a smartphone or a tablet, to scan the surrounding area. Once the device has scanned the surroundings, it will then be able to overlay digital content onto the physical world. This digital content can be anything from text, to images, to videos.


AR and VR are always fun and attractive. It was some kind of fantasy on back 50 years but today it is becoming a part of our life. Many companies has announced their working project about Ar and VR like Apple, Meta, Google, Amazon, etc. are not only business companies many game companies are making their game on VR and Ar. The future is fun.

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